Water + Words

The Water + Words project was a 2.5 year collaboration that began with an idea of combining words/quotes with my images. The context of the hand printed portfolio was simply to honor eleven friends from Maine to Alaska who have dedicated their lives to water & land conservation. A true collaboration between art, thought and the environment, based on the simple question, “what does water mean to you?”

The folio is meant to make us all think about the role water plays in our daily lives.

Since publication in 2017, it has been an honor to have the folio shown in galleries in Connecticut, NYC, Idaho, Maine, and Massachusetts. In Oregon the folio made its debut in a presentation sponsored by Patagonia Portland, Ecotrust & The Freshwater Trust. In Maine the folio graced the gallery of the Nature Conservancy in honor of State Director Kate Dempsey. It was also shared with The Community School in Ketchum, Idaho during the fall 2018 semester where I was fortunate to be a visiting artist with the upper school. The von Auersperg Gallery at Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts also shared it with their students in an interdisciplinary manner in the fall of 2018.

Each of the eleven contributor pages, title page, introduction & colophon page are shown below. For full backstory, short documentary video and further information on the contributors, please feel free to go to waterandwords.net.

Water + Words - Frances B. Ashforth

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